User-centred policy design

We help create, evaluate and adapt policies that are not only people-focused but also practical and sustainable.

Evolution, not revolution.

We are not about radical change. Our approach enhances tried and tested policymaking processes with complementary skills from the world of design to accelerate insight and inform decisions.

Our strategic fusion of design and policy expertise empowers stakeholders and those who work with them, to drive measurable, impactful and sustainable outcomes.

With over 20 years of experience at the top of our respective fields, we deliver a meticulously balanced approach, ensuring that both the policy’s intentions and the expectations of those it impacts are thoughtfully aligned.

Balancing voices and contextual insights.

Our User-Centred Policy Design (UCPD) service expertly integrates diverse voices and innovative methodologies into the policy development process.

This ensures root problems are understood, and decisions are deeply informed and grounded in real-world experiences.

We champion evolutionary progress by enriching established policymaking practices with design-driven insights.

We help policymakers analyse data trends, implementation challenges, and cross-sector impacts. This approach not only accelerates understanding, but also ensures policies are viable, adaptive, effectively communicated, and continuously refined.

Tailored policy design services.

At Lighthouse, we understand that each policy initiative is unique.

Our comprehensive suite of services can be customised to fit your specific needs, whether you require support for the entire policy design lifecycle or targeted assistance in particular areas.

We work collaboratively with various partners, including government policy teams, think tanks, and digital delivery teams, to ensure our involvement is both flexible and impactful.

Our goal is to provide the right mix of expertise and resources to enhance your policymaking process, delivering effective and sustainable outcomes.

  • We begin with the creation of impacted user mindsets through qualitative and quantitative research, generating and validating policy hypotheses, and conducting detailed contextual analysis.

    This foundational work is supported by partnerships with think tanks and academic research institutions.

  • Defining specific policy objectives and appropriate metrics is crucial.

    We collaborate with government policy teams to set clear, actionable goals and identify candidate policy levers to investigate.

  • We facilitate co-design sessions with policy teams, stakeholders, and users, fostering an inclusive environment that incorporates diverse perspectives.

    To test the viability of our policies, we develop prototypes and proof-of-concepts, ensuring that our solutions are practical and effective.

  • For both digital and non-digital platforms, we provide end-to-end blueprint designs that guide the detailed design and implementation phase.

    This ensures these policy levers are feasible and align with strategic goals.

  • We employ a frameworked approach for strategic policy development and adaptation, continuously refining our strategies in partnership with government policy teams to stay responsive to evolving needs.

  • To support the policy narrative, we create compelling materials that communicate the policy’s objectives and benefits clearly. This is achieved in collaboration with think tanks, research partners, and consultancies.

  • Finally, we offer training, coaching, and mentoring to build capacity within government policy teams, digital delivery teams, and consultancies, ensuring that all stakeholders are equipped to drive sustainable outcomes.

Find out more about our tailored and flexible user-centred policy design services