Policy Portfolio Review

Empowering policy teams to optimise portfolios for greater efficiency, alignment, and impact.

Our Policy Portfolio Review service is meticulously crafted to help you understand, evaluate, and harmonise your policy interventions, ensuring they deliver maximum impact with minimal risk. 

Additionally, we assist you in effectively communicating your strategy and portfolio to key stakeholders, ensuring clarity and alignment across your team and beyond.

For Policy Teams

You manage a complex array of policies aimed at solving society’s most pressing issues.

Our Policy Portfolio Review helps you maximise your policy strengths, mitigate risks, and stay aligned with the government’s agenda, ensuring your policies remain effective and impactful.

We will analyse currently used policy levers to identify what is working well, as well as the risks and gaps, ensuring a robust and balanced approach that maximises policy effectiveness.

We will capture a comprehensive view of the policy landscape and other contextual factors, including economic, social, and environmental considerations.

You will receive clear, actionable strategies to improve policy impact and achieve meaningful outcomes.

Read an introduction to Policy Portfolios

Sessions like these help policy teams think outside of their policy areas, understand the complexity of the portfolio and where it fits within the wider system.

Having deep conversations about what kind of policy levers the portfolio holds, could be a great catalyst to empower teams to consider new ways of approaching a policy challenge.
— Senior Service Designer, Ministry of Justice
It was a really engaging and thought-provoking day on the specific elements of the portfolio as well as its spread...the use of the policy levers and future scenarios was really valuable in stimulating thinking from a different perspective.

I would like to carry out this portfolio review every 6 months to ensure my portfolio of work remains fit for purpose, reflective of the changing context and effectively mitigates risk.
— Head of Resettlement Policy, Ministry of Justice

For consultancies delivering public sector projects

As a consultant, supporting your clients in delivering policy intent is often the single most important part of the role.

Our expert reviews of your public sector client’s policy portfolio will enhance your messaging, provide early warnings on project risks, and position you as a trusted partner in delivering policy success.

We will help you demonstrate expertise and reliability, showcasing your ability to effectively support policy delivery, support clients with strategic early-stage engagement, ensuring robust foundations for policy initiatives, and create opportunities for further engagements and projects, strengthening your role as a valued partner.

Why now?

With a new government just in power, it’s crucial for government teams to align with the new agenda. Now is the perfect time for a stocktake of what’s working and what’s not, helping to make tough priority decisions and align policies with new government priorities.

Conducting a Policy Portfolio Review ensures your policies are up-to-date and responsive to current priorities. Regular reviews every six months maintain policy effectiveness amidst changing societal challenges.

Partnering with us helps you optimise your policy framework, mitigate risks, and achieve meaningful, sustainable outcomes.

Now is the time to strengthen your policy strategies and maximise their impact!

Are you ready to optimise your policy portfolio?

Get in touch to discuss how our expert services can benefit your team.