Introducing the Lighthouse Policymaker Mindsets

Bridging the gap between design and policy

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital innovation and public policy, it is more important than ever to reach a mutual understanding and transcend traditional boundaries. 

In an attempt to encourage this, we have developed the Lighthouse Policymaker Mindsets; a little tool to help the digital and design community better understand and collaborate with policymakers. 

If you are a digital or design professional who sees Policy as one big homogenous bloc, or if you struggle to build effective rapport with policy colleagues, this one’s for you.

Breaking stereotypes

There is a common misconception that all policymakers operate uniformly, guided by a rigid set of rules and conventions. This view is not only limiting but also detrimental to collaboration.

Each policymaker brings a unique perspective influenced by their background, experiences, and personal beliefs.

Unlocking potential

The benefits of acknowledging and being aware of diverse mindsets include:

  • Improved communication: By tailoring communication strategies to align with different policymaker mindsets, we can enhance our ability to convey messages effectively.

  • Enhanced collaboration: Recognising and appreciating diverse perspectives helps in identifying common goals, and fostering a spirit of collaboration.

  • Effective policy advocacy: Understanding the thought processes of different policymakers can aid in crafting compelling arguments that are more likely to resonate and persuade.

  • Innovation potential: When the digital and design community understands the mindsets of policymakers, they are better equipped to propose solutions that are not only innovative but also implementable within the constraints of public policy.

Let’s get started

In subsequent posts, we will explore the nine Lighthouse Policymaker Mindsets in detail.

Understanding these mindsets will empower us to approach policy discussions with a more nuanced perspective and highlight the importance of empathy and understanding.

Get in touch

As always, we invite you to share your experiences, challenges, or questions regarding interactions with policymakers. Your insights will provide valuable context and enrich our discussion as we continue our work at Lighthouse.


Policymaker Mindsets: The Visionary


Bringing balance: The case for and against user-centred policy design